Life Tag Archive

Make money first and learn to be happy later

(Excerpt from The Almanack of Ravikant) Money buys you freedom in the material world. It’s not going to make you happy, it’s not going to solve your health problems, it’s not going to make your family great,...

Life, Success Read More

What is karma? A non-religious definition

(Excerpt from The Almanack of Ravikant) Karma is just you, repeating your patterns, virtues, and flaws until you finally get what you deserve....

Morals Read More

Be good and be patient. You eventually attract what you project

(Excerpt from The Almanack of Ravikant) Figure out what you’re good at, and start helping other people with it. Give it away. Pay it forward. Karma works because people are consistent. On a long enough timescale, you...

Luck, Morals Read More

Money is a means to freedom and there are 3 ways to achieve it

(Excerpt from The Almanack of Ravikant) I learned how to make money because it was a necessity. After it stopped being a necessity, I stopped caring about it. At least for me, work was a means to an end. Making money...

Life, Success Read More

Play the wealth game and not the status game

(Excerpt from The Almanack of Ravikant) Wealth creation is an evolutionarily recent positive-sum game. Status is an old zero-sum game. Those attacking wealth creation are often just seeking status. … Status...

Ego, Life, Success Read More

Do things for their own sake

(Excerpt from The Almanack of Ravikant) I only really want to do things for their own sake. That is one definition of art. Whether it’s business, exercise, romance, friendship, whatever, I think the meaning of life is...

Life, Success Read More

I want to build something that is my own

(Excerpt from Shoe Dog by Phil Knight) I told her that I flat-out didn’t want to work for someone else. I wanted to build something that was my own, something I could point to and say: I made that. It was the only...

Business, Life Read More

Business and Life are full of temptations

(Excerpt from Invested by Charles Schwab) The world of business, like the rest of life, is full of wonderful temptations, and making a choice about where you are going to devote your energy is often as much about...

Business, Focus, Life, Via Negativa Read More

We deal with physical pain right away but we prolong our emotional pain

(Excerpt from You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero) When we’re in physical pain, we’re usually extremely proactive about figuring out how to make it go away immediately because, you know, it hurts. Even if we have to go...

Life Read More

Worry about the process, not the outcome

(Excerpt from Keep Going by Austin Kleon) Worry less about getting things done. Worry more about things worth doing. Worry less about being a great artist. Worry more about being a good human being who makes art....

Ego, Life Read More