(Excerpt from Thinking In Bets by Annie Duke) … we also rated our level of confidence about the accuracy of our belief on a scale of zero to ten? Zero would mean we are certain a belief is not true. Ten would...
(Excerpt from The Great Mental Models Volume 1: General Thinking Concepts by Shane Parrish) But what physicists do so well, and most of us do so poorly, is that they carefully delimit what Newtonian and Einsteinian...
(Excerpt from The Great Mental Models Volume 1: General Thinking Concepts by Shane Parrish) We create static rules or policies that deal with the map but forget that we exist in a constantly changing world. When we...
(Extracted from Fooled by Randomness by Nassim Taleb) One of the best traders I have ever encountered in my life, Nigel Babbage, has the remarkable attribute of being completely free of any path dependence in his...