This is something that I have observed: investors’ confidence in their stocks wavers with the price movements. If prices are going up, they feel very confident about their picks. When prices are going down, they...
(Excerpt from Prisoners of Geography by Tim Marshall) For thirty years it has been fashionable to predict the imminent or ongoing decline of the USA. This is as wrong now as it was in the past. The planet’s most...
(Excerpt from Prisoners of Geography by Tim Marshall) If China did not control Tibet, it would always be possible that India might attempt to do so. This would give India the commanding heights of the Tibetan Plateau...
(Excerpt from Wanting by Luke Burgis) Authoritarian regimes can only stay in existence so long as they can control what people want. We normally think of these regimes as controlling what people can and cannot do...
(Excerpt from Wanting by Luke Burgis) Thick desires are like diamonds that have been formed deep beneath the surface, nearer to the core of the Earth. Thick desires are protected from the volatility of changing...
(Excerpt from Wanting by Luke Burgis) Most people aren’t fully responsible for choosing their own goals. People pursue the goals that are on offer to them in their system of desire. Goals are often chosen for us, by...
(Excerpt from Wanting by Luke Burgis) As Peter Thiel points out in Zero to One, Karl Marx and William Shakespeare had very different views about why people fight. Marx thought conflict happens because people are...
(Excerpt from Wanting by Luke Burgis) rivalry is a function of proximity. When people are separated from us by enough time, space, money, or status, there is no way to compete seriously with them for the same...
Judging an investment based on its past average returns is a dangerous thing. It gives us a false sense of what the future might bring. It is not just that ‘historical returns are not indicative of future...
The finance industry likes to remind clients that ‘time in the market’ is more important than ‘timing the market’. This is one of the dangerous half truths that harms investors when taken out of...